Do we plan our lives before we are born? What is Transformational Energy Work? Can a Medical Intuitive see into a person’s body? Did you know that the healing of an Emotional Wound is often the focus of a person’s karmic plans during their pre-birth planning session? Hear the fascinating answers to these questions and more in this interview with Staci Wells, the premiere Soul Plan psychic who is prominently featured in the groundbreaking books by Robert Schwartz Your Soul’s Plan and Your Soul’s Gifts.


In this episode you will learn:

●       How pre-birth planning influences our lives and lessons.

●       The role of Transformative Energy Work in our spiritual journey.

●       The connection between pre-birth planning and soul evolution.

●       Staci Wells' experiences and expertise in Soul Plan readings.

●       The impact of pre-birth planning on the choices we make in life.


Some interview questions Irene asks Staci:

●       What is pre-birth planning and especially medical intuitive readings and your transformative energy work that helps people to heal their emotional wounds?

●       How can we kind of help ourselves to make sure that we're actually fulfilling what we wanted ourselves to do here?

●       Are you able to see through an orc field if a person has disease in their body and you're able to tell them what to do about it? How does that work?

●       Did you figure out what your purpose was and all this stuff on your pre-birth?


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