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Bridget Finklaire is an author and spiritual teacher. We had a wide-ranging discussion as she has a wealth of knowledge to share that comes from years of experience. She's a wealth of knowledge. I started with six pages of notes and we only got to about half of what I wanted to talk to her about in our hour together.

Bridget is originally from the UK and lived in London for many years before moving to Cape Town, South Africa. She is a qualified and experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and healer, and used to work in London's Harley Street.

Since 1995, Bridget has been on a journey of spiritual awakening. She's studied and taught many spiritual, metaphysical, and personal development teachings and explored different techniques – from meditation to yoga and from chanting to prayer. She currently facilitates a study group for The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch (r) by Dr. JJ Hurtak.

In 2012, Bridget began coaching people to create their lives 'on purpose' - purposefully and according to their soul's purpose. In 2018, she pulled together three distinct areas of her expertise to create The Bone Circle - a unique, transformative, and life-changing program.

Her novel "Red Dress" is available in July 2021. It's based on her life's work and has been compared to Eat, Pray, Love.  It incorporates many of her spiritual teachings into an entertaining package.

Her 'why' is transformation. Her core message is 'love is the way.'


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