Dr. Mickey Levy is chief economist for the Americas and Asia for Berenberg Capital Markets, LLC. He has over 30 years’ experience conducting economic and public policy research and forecasting global and US economic and financial market performance. Dr. Robert Kaplan is an American accounting academic, and Emeritus Professor of Leadership Development at the Harvard Business School. Today, they discuss their recent OpEd in the Wall Street Journal, “How to Get America Working Again,” and what methods the federal and state governments should employ to reopen the economy.

When considering reopening the economy, two overarching considerations need to be taken into account: regional differences and industry needs. Different regions have different levels of exposure to COVID-19, different access to rapid testing, and different availability to trained healthcare professionals. Industries also differ in terms of their age distribution, the ability for employees to socially distance while working, and the importance of the sector to the supply chain. Drs. Kaplan and Levy argue that the first step that should be taken by the federal government is ramping up the availability of COVID testing and utilizing contact tracing to get a better sense of who should go back to work.

Go to NoLabels.org to learn more about how we are bringing together a bipartisan group of public and private leaders working to stop the virus, save lives and get Americans back to work.