Episode 4 and our first guest! Joining us is Marijn Somers, MVP for Office Apps and Services from Belgium and bringing a beautiful hat to…

Episode 4 and our first guest! Joining us is Marijn Somers, MVP for Office Apps and Services from Belgium and bringing a beautiful hat to stand in for Al who is away this week.

Part 1 focuses on the news and what we’ve been up to.


Is powerapps a worthy follow up for infopath ?
Outlook Spaces: the pinterest for your project
Jeff Teper also taking over Teams


Kevin’s first Microsoft Docs fix - go on, try it yourself!
The new single Office App
Mr Tesler passed away - the creator of Copy, Paste, Cut


Using React hooks to globally share service scopes between components
Azure Logic Apps
Azure Managed Identies
Garry’s blog on it all - COMING SOON!


Collab Days
Scottish Summit on 29th Feb
European Collab Summit on 8-10 June
Commsverse on 29-30th April
Collab 365 GlobalCon1 on 2-6th March
Next #CollabTalk on Task Mgmt on Feb 26th

Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

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