(S03E06) – The Little Mermaid saves Snow from the Queen’s men. Hook shows the team where Neal has been. Rumple and Regina hatch a plan to #SaveHenry, and we find out that Belle is just Pan being creepy. Everybody tells secrets to save Baelfire’s bacon, and the fate of Swanfire is finally shaken. Are Rumple and Pan doomed to a burial? Find out in this week’s new episode ‘Ariel’.

Which way did he go, Snow? Which way did he go?

Show Notes

Ratings For ‘Ariel’


Promo for ‘Dark Hollow’

This Week’s Audible Recommendations:

Doctor Who: The Angel’s Kiss by Melody Malone

The Little Mermaid: Classic Fairy Tales for Children

Ashley’s Fanfic “Double the Trouble”

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