On this edition of GFA Live, Peter and Keithie talk about WWF Superstars from January 28, 1989! (and some other stuff, of course!)

Topics of discussion include:

* A weather event delays the podcast
* The "Special" report or event effects used by the various networks
* More unfortunate language in promos re: The Twin Towers
* Trying to give Hercules a better 1989...by teaming him with John Studd?
* What happened to Liz anyway after Savage threw her around?

- Over the top Vince McMahon intro
- Promo: Twin Towers w/Slick
- Megapowers music video set to "You're a Friend of Mine"
- Megapowers vs Twin Towers
- Megapowers split
- Hercules vs Ted DiBiase
- Hulk Hogan channels his inner Bruce Banner, assaults a few of his fellow babyfaces, reluctantly accepts praise