GREENNURSE Hosted by: Sherri Tutkus RN, BSN & Jodi Chapin RN

Sherri and Jodi speak with the President of the American Cannabis Nurses Association,
Dr. Carey Clark on her forthcoming Wolters-Kuhlwer Cannabis Handbook for Nurses
(2020), and the two big events coming in November and December that the
GreenNurses will be participating in with Dr. Clark.
November 14 th and 15 th 2019
Medical Cannabis Patient Therapies and Wellness Summit
Promo Code “MedCanBos19” for 10% off ticket price ends soon, Oct 21st.
December 4 th - 6 th 2019

Cannabis Care 2019, presented by the American Cannabis Nurses Association (ACNA), is the premier conference for nursing professionals to gain essential knowledge and access to cutting-edge cannabis nursing expertise. Network with other healthcare professionals while taking advantage of ACNA-approved continuing education credits designed specifically for RNs, APRNs, clinicians, nursing business owners and nursing researchers. Join us December 4-6, 2019, at the Astor Crowne
Plaza in New Orleans, LA! To register please visit

GreenNurse is a fun and educational live broadcast hosted by GreenNurse's Sherri Tutkus and Jodi Chapin. Tune in every week for news, information, and to become part of the GreenNurse family.