GREENNURSE Hosted by: Sherri Tutkus RN, BSN & Jodi Chapin RN

Special LIVE edition of GreenNurse on the GO Living Your Best Life.
GreenNurse from Ohio Tonya San and Sherri speak with Joanna Ladyj Varner from New England Grass Roots Institute as she shares her compelling story of healing with cannabis and what propelled her to become an advocate and activist in the community.

This Sunday, join the GreenNurse Group and Irie Bliss Wellness at New England Grass Roots Foundation Summer Party as we support their charitable event.

GreenNurse Group
Green Nurse Bliss
Irie Bliss Wellness
Tonya San: My Pain, My Battle, My Story

GreenNurse is a fun and educational live broadcast hosted by GreenNurse's Sherri Tutkus and Jodi Chapin. Tune in every week for news, information, and to become part of the GreenNurse family.