GREENNURSE Hosted by: Sherri Tutkus RN, BSN & Jodi Chapin RN

Today we share a compelling story of a young woman who used cannabis in conjunction with traditional medicine to treat her stage 4 cervical cancer.

Elizabeth Raggi is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with her masters degree who has been working within the psychology field for over 14 years. She educates as a professor at Lesley College and is a practicing yoga teacher. Elizabeth encourages self-expression and creativity to foster autonomy and whole person wellness. Her business Reflective Tides offers tangible skills for clients to use in daily life along with space to grow and explore self-identity through the practice of yoga, body and mental health wellness. Today she shares about how she is living her best life and the services that she offers to her clients to help them live theirs.”

GreenNurse is a fun and educational live broadcast hosted by GreenNurse's Sherri Tutkus and Jodi Chapin. Tune in every week for news, information, and to become part of the GreenNurse family.