Previous Episode: George Floyd

George Flloyd's death has sparked global civil rights movement. In Australia, thousands of people defied government orders regarding physical distancing measures to come together in their thousands to bring attention to the plight of Indigenous Australians - particularly in relation to deaths in custody and incarceration rates.

We're delighted to be joined by Bevan Mailman, a Bidjara man and highly respected commercial lawyer. Bevan is the co-founder and director of Jaramer Legal - Australia's first majority Indigenous-owned law firm. Bevan sheds some light on why he's confident a new generation, inspired by what's just and right, will help to transform the way we view our Indigenous history and people to come together. 

We talk about why reconciliation action plans matter, why Rio Tinto just destroyed a sacred site albeit 'legally', and touch on the Constitutional reform that may be put to the people under the current Morrison Government to enshrine a 'Voice' to Parliament. 

There's some great background to it and the Uluru Statement from the Heart here (watch the video on the site - really helpful to get the context). 

About Bevan Mailman 

Bevan is a corporate lawyer with expertise in commercial transactions, corporate advisory and corporate structuring with over 15 years’ experience.

Bevan has held several legal positions with leading law firms and companies and was previously the founder and managing director of Mailman & Associates, a 100 per cent Indigenous-owned corporate and commercial law firm.

He has considerable experience in the not-for-profit/charities sector having held several directorships. Previous peak professional bodies include The Law Council of Australia and the Law Institute of Victoria advising on numerous issues including native title, sentencing, constitutional recognition, the Northern Territory’s “National Emergency Response” and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Bevan is also an alumnus of Norton Rose Fulbright, where he engaged in various business units including property and construction, dispute resolution, statutory inquiries, and environment and planning.

Bevan holds an MBA from Melbourne Business School and has studied at Kellogg School of Management (US), and Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany).