In this episode, we're delighted to be joined by Ryan Mickler, who gives us the goss on Bernie Sanders' campaign, why he hasn't yet dropped out of the race and how his chances are being impacted by the Coronavirus. 

Thanks to Ryan for being a good sport about being asked if he's a 'Bernie Bro". 

And we're excited to take our first 'call' from a Greenland listener in our audience segment! 

Here's some links to things we talked about in this episode: 

Article in The Age 6 March 2020, Meet the MelBerniens spruiking Bernie Sanders from half a world awayPat McAfee watches AFL (Australian Rules  Football) for the first time and we love his reaction! Sadly, he only got to watch Round 1 before the Coronavirus kicked in.  You can follow him here @PatMcAfeeShow.