This weeks podcast topic is how to prevent tons of trash from entering your local landfill and I’ll be sharing 3 simple ways you can make this happen.


In 2012, Americans generated over 251 millions tons of trash and recycled and composted almost 86.6 million tons. Diverting about 32% of waste from landfills. "“This prevented the release of approximately 168 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent into the air in 2012 — similar to taking 33 million cars off the road for a year.” "Imagine if we increased our recycling rate to 60%. It could save an equivalent of 315 million barrels of oil per year.”


Today’s simple green up action step: Take a look at each item you are about to throw out. Can it be recycled, composted, reused, or up cycled? If so, don’t throw it out.