Simran’s twin sister Piya arrives to make sure her sister is not being forgotten at the Sharma household, leading to problems for Arjun and Lisa. The Pie Off becomes the target of a betting scam and Alan wakes in hospital with a new theory about the identity of Bev’s lover.

Alan confronts the man he believes to be sleeping with his wife. He has it all wrong, but the true identity of Bev’s lover is about to be revealed. Lewis and Jeet attempt to rig the pie competition and someone in Greenborne comes down with Covid-19 symptoms.

At last, the Summer Fete and Greenborne Music Festival is here, but will it be a great success or is Greenborne about to face disaster? As a raging fire engulfs one of the buildings in town, lives and futures will hang in the balance...

Episodes 1- to 12 written by Angela Churm and Colin Brake.

GREENBORNE was devised by Colin Brake.

Based on an original idea by Colin Brake and Andrew Mark Sewell


Greenborne FM Station Sound by DevaWeb

Original Music Tim Arnold


Sound Design and Post Production Kirsty Gillmore

Studio Manager Wilfredo Acosta


Series Producer Helen Quigley

Director Andrew Mark Sewell


GREENBORNE is a B7 Media Production made with the support of the Audio Content Fund.

© B7 Productions Ltd 2021. All rights reserved.

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