Welcome to the Green Rush, a KCSA Strategic Communications Production, a weekly conversation at the intersection of cannabis, psychedelics, the capital markets and culture. 

This week Anne Donohoe and Nick Opich talk to Retired United States Air Force Captain Kimberly Juroviesky, President of Ketamine Taskforce. Kimberly joins us to discuss her military service experience and how it led her to advocating for Veterans and ultimately, the Ketamine TaskForce. Kimberly and the team at Ketamine TaskForce are all volunteers working to increase accessibility to safe care, education, and insurance coverage for all humans in need, including Veterans, first responders and more.

In this discussion, Kimberly shares common concerns and misconceptions among Veterans who are new to therapeutic Ketamine treatments, and tells us about her newest project, Healing Our Heroes Foundation. 

If you are interested in learning more about Ketamine TaskForce or the projects that Kimberley is involved with, visit the links in our show notes. Also, be sure to follow Ketamine TaskForce on LinkedIn and check out the website for ways to get involved.

So, sit back and enjoy our conversation with Kimberly Juroviesky, Retired United States Air Force Captain and President of Ketamine Taskforce.

Links, mentions, and socials:

Ketamine TaskForce: https://www.ketaminetaskforce.org/
Six-part docuseries: https://givebutter.com/theforgottenveteran
Facebook Group: Keta-mine Infusions for Patient Health: https://www.facebook.com/groups/781893918621316
“Ketamine Infusions: A Patient Guide:” https://www.amazon.com/Ketamine-Infusions-Patients-Everything-Before/dp/B086CB14HP
“KETAMINE JOURNEYS: An Integration Journal for Your Ketamine Experiences:” https://www.amazon.com/KETAMINE-JOURNEYS-Integration-Ketamine-Experiences/dp/B09TMSBM4Y/ref=sr_1_1?crid=340BO956OMY9D&keywords=ketamine+journey&qid=1648574686&sprefix=Ketamine+j%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-1
Healing Our Heroes Foundation: https://www.healingourheroesflorida.org/
Ketamine TaskForce LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ketamine-taskforce-inc-3b12a3201


Show Credits:

This episode was hosted by Anne Donohoe and Nick Opich of KCSA Strategic Communications.

Special thanks to our Program Director Shea Gunther.

You can learn more about how KCSA can help your cannabis and psychedelic companies by visiting www.kcsa.com or emailing [email protected]. You can also connect with us via our social channels:

X: @The_GreenRush

Instagram: @thegreenrush_podcast

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/thegreenrushpodcast

Facebook: facebook.com/TheGreenRushPodcast 

YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCuEQkvdjpUnPyhF59wxseqw?disable_polymer=true

Welcome to the Green Rush, a KCSA Strategic Communications Production, a weekly conversation at the intersection of cannabis, psychedelics, the capital markets and culture. 

This week Anne Donohoe and Nick Opich talk to Retired United States Air Force Captain Kimberly Juroviesky, President of Ketamine Taskforce. Kimberly joins us to discuss her military service experience and how it led her to advocating for Veterans and ultimately, the Ketamine TaskForce. Kimberly and the team at Ketamine TaskForce are all volunteers working to increase accessibility to safe care, education, and insurance coverage for all humans in need, including Veterans, first responders and more.

In this discussion, Kimberly shares common concerns and misconceptions among Veterans who are new to therapeutic Ketamine treatments, and tells us about her newest project, Healing Our Heroes Foundation. 

If you are interested in learning more about Ketamine TaskForce or the projects that Kimberley is involved with, visit the links in our show notes. Also, be sure to follow Ketamine TaskForce on LinkedIn and check out the website for ways to get involved.

So, sit back and enjoy our conversation with Kimberly Juroviesky, Retired United States Air Force Captain and President of Ketamine Taskforce.

Links, mentions, and socials:

Ketamine TaskForce: https://www.ketaminetaskforce.org/
Six-part docuseries: https://givebutter.com/theforgottenveteran
Facebook Group: Keta-mine Infusions for Patient Health: https://www.facebook.com/groups/781893918621316
“Ketamine Infusions: A Patient Guide:” https://www.amazon.com/Ketamine-Infusions-Patients-Everything-Before/dp/B086CB14HP
“KETAMINE JOURNEYS: An Integration Journal for Your Ketamine Experiences:” https://www.amazon.com/KETAMINE-JOURNEYS-Integration-Ketamine-Experiences/dp/B09TMSBM4Y/ref=sr_1_1?crid=340BO956OMY9D&keywords=ketamine+journey&qid=1648574686&sprefix=Ketamine+j%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-1
Healing Our Heroes Foundation: https://www.healingourheroesflorida.org/
Ketamine TaskForce LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ketamine-taskforce-inc-3b12a3201


Show Credits:

This episode was hosted by Anne Donohoe and Nick Opich of KCSA Strategic Communications.

Special thanks to our Program Director Shea Gunther.

You can learn more about how KCSA can help your cannabis and psychedelic companies by visiting www.kcsa.com or emailing [email protected]. You can also connect with us via our social channels:

X: @The_GreenRush

Instagram: @thegreenrush_podcast

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/thegreenrushpodcast

Facebook: facebook.com/TheGreenRushPodcast 

YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCuEQkvdjpUnPyhF59wxseqw?disable_polymer=true

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