We continue our discussion of Jimmy Carter's presidency, focusing on his foreign policies, intervention, and support of terror groups.  
In Asia, Carter supported the murderous regime in Jakarta as Indonesia invaded and slaughtered the people of East Timor, and he worked with China to prevent Vietnamese reconstruction and encouraged China to invade Vietnam in 1979.   He also cooperated with the Chinese to support the forces of Apartheid in southern Africa and try to keep the MPLA out of power in Angola.  He opposed the Sandinista Revolution and tried to get an OAS group to move into Managua to prevent the FSLN from leading the government.  And in Afghanistan, he funded and armed the mujahadeen, which become al Qaeda.
Since being President, Carter has been a genuinely decent human, a  diplomat and humanitarian.  But as President, he carried water for the  ruling class, both at home and abroad.
See also the article "Jimmy Carter is a Liberal Saint Now, Was a War  Criminal Then" at  https://afflictthecomfortable.org/2020/11/19/jimmy-carter-is-a-saint-now-was-a-war-criminal-then/
"Vietnam Since 1975: Who Won The War?"   https://www.globaljournalceners.org/article.php?e=107
"Cuba, Race, and African Liberation"   https://afflictthecomfortable.org/2017/05/25/cuba-race-and-african-liberation/
Noam Chomsky, "The Carter Administration: Myth and Reality"
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This is a Green and Red Podcast   production. Produced by Bob  (@bobbuzzanco) and Scott (@sparki1969).   “Green and Red Blues" by  Moody. Editing by Isaac.

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