This couldn't NOT be this episode's title, we decided - if it works, it works, alright?

The gang has no time to recover from the startling revelations of last episode before finding themselves on a surprise road trip. What starts as a cordial but tense meeting suddenly turns to terrifying violence. Albion gets to watch his favorite movie live, Desdemona makes a huge mistake, Ro is actually being detained this time, and Sylvester is a street fightin' man.

Starring Christine Savage as Desdemona Brown, Darius Southland as Dr. Sylvester Coopersmith, Gwen Vetter as Ro Kamen, Thom Freitag as Albion Graves, and Michael Freitag as everyone else. Adventure written by Seth Burton. Editing assistance provided by William Blake. Soundtrack assistance by J E Nelson (naekid.exe) .

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