Episode 48 - Albion In The Sky With Diamonds

WE'RE BACK, BABY! Our break is over, and it's time to dive into the fifth chapter of Green Mountain Mysteries!

Just as soon as the gang is back together in Burlington, they're called by their friends in Monkton to investigate a mystery... if they can get there in one piece, that is. Albion litters and nearly loses his head, Desdemona goes for the Kobe, Ro gets roped in, and Sylvester just keeps sprinting.

Starring Christine Tardif as Desdemona Brown, Darius Southland as Dr. Sylvester Coopersmith, Gwen Vetter as Ro Kamen, Thom Freitag as Albion Graves, and Michael Freitag as everyone else. Adventure written by Seth Burton.

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