Answers we would have also accepted: Creepy Magellan, Ectom Tom, and Boooooo-gle Maps. Okay, maybe we wouldn't have accepted that last one. Also, is the Waze logo a ghost, or is that just me?

The gang splits up and goes hunting for answers, each of them in their own unique way... though it leads to unexpectedly crossing paths. Albion sees a cool bird again, Desdemona disrupts a nap, Ro makes a house call, and Sylvester contemplates sea devils; with special guest Hue from No Dice as Natalie Coopersmith.

Starring Christine Savage as Desdemona Brown, Darius Southland as Dr. Sylvester Coopersmith, Gwen Vetter as Ro Kamen, Thom Freitag as Albion Graves, and Michael Freitag as everyone else. Adventure written by Seth Burton.

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