The women of Arrow try to save the "Lost Canary". Laurel is has reverted back to her Siren ways and decided to team up with a fellow bad girl named Shadow Thief to score some cash on some high paying jobs. While Oliver and Diggle go out to find something useful to track down the Ninth Circle, Dinah tries to track down the discredited DA. But Felicity is convinced that Laurel still has good in her. She blocks Dinah at every move, and even brings in Sarah Lance to help show Laurel that you can be redeemed even if you have done some pretty bad things. Will Laurel see the light, or has she traveled so far down the dark path that it has dominated her destiny? Jay and Josh grab the tissues for a big canary cry on this week's Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast! Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!