Coming soon to a theater near you, "Emerald Archer"! That's the name of the documentary that Oliver has agreed to be a part of, as he tries to clean up his image a little. And it includes a wide variety of appearances and opinions. One opinion that may not skew his way though, is the Mayor. She is still full-on anti-vigilante and wants Oliver to debate her at a town hall meeting to make her stance perfectly clear. Unfortunately, there's a powerful new foe named Chimera that is assaulting the vigilantes and collecting their accessories. He even captures Emiko. They get her out, but she's hurt badly. Now Diggle thinks the best thing to defend all the innocent people at the town hall meeting is the Original Team Arrow. And it works too, but in the process Dinah reveals herself as Black Canary to the Mayor and people see the consequences of having vigilantes. But the mayor is hoping to solve that problem. Jay and Josh try to frame the perfect shot, but Green Arrow keeps flubbing his lines on Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast!