Our heroes may be "Crossing Lines" to finally stop Diaz. When Oliver tries to collect the information that Brick owes him after getting stabbed, he's told that the real guy he wants is someone called the Demon. Oliver has to wait for the signal to make contact. But when he tries, the devious con double-crosses him and tries to have his goons take care of our hero once and for all. They fail of course, and Oliver uses Bronze Tiger to confront Brick. But that doesn't go so well either. That's when he finds out the Demon is on a much tougher level of prison. Too bad for the prison guards then, because that's who gets taken out so Oliver can be transferred. Felicity tries to get Agent Watson to do something about Diaz. She finally appeals to her sense of Justice when she, Dinah, and Rene infiltrate CDC against orders. It doesn't go well either. Much like the third honeymoon of Diggle and Lyla. But that sometimes happens when your high-level wife conceals top-secret information from her husband. Jay and Josh try to summon the demon, but probably shouldn't have tried texting him, on this week's Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast! Listen in and justice will be served...to your MP3 player!