All rise to hear "Docket No. 11-19-41-73" in which Oliver Queen is on trial for the crimes of being Green Arrow. The sharp lawyer, Alexa Van Owen has many tricks up her sleeve to convince the jury that this man is guilty. And it's really a problem that Ricardo Diaz has everyone from the judge to the jury under his control. Despite calling some witnesses that give some damning evidence against Oliver, Diggle may have something that could actually get him out of this mess. Green Arrow shows up in court, but under the hood seems to be Tommy Merlyn. This puts some reasonable doubt in the heads of some, but when Laurel takes the stand Diaz expects her to put the nail in the coffin. Though she may have the guts to finally make a difference. But where will that leave her with Diaz? Jay and Josh debate the appeal of swashbuckling on this week's Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast! Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!