Count on your "Brothers in Arms" to always have your back. Dinah takes her very small group of honest, loyal cops to begin the hunt for Diaz and his men. They begin by arresting Anatoly, but don't think it's going to be that easy. There are just too many people in the city with ties to Diaz. Even with help from the Mayor himself, Anatoly is not held very long. And to top it off, the bad guys are starting to take out the remaining good cops. Oliver can't even weed out the corrupt officials without fallout. He fires the DA and the Captain, but they go out swinging with some serious allegations against the mayor. Diggle is still holding a grudge against not getting the hood, but he's not sure why until he talks to Lyla. After a successful Vertigo sting with Green Arrow, he finally comes to a shocking realization: He's not happy with Oliver's leadership and decides to make it on his own. Alone, losing to the enemy, and not a stitch of hope in sight, how will Oliver get himself back on top? Jay and Josh slap each other around until mom steps in, on this week's Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast! Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!