We all want a home that looks good and performs well. Today, Steve Spratt, of Home Preservation Services joins us. He is an expert in homeowner operations and maintenance and he has a fantastic website, called Home Preservation Manual. In today's episode, Steve will be giving us lots of great information about owning and maintaining a home, and all the responsibilities that go along with that.  


What motivates Steve

The home represents some very important things that often tend to go unnoticed by the owners. And many people seem to take their homes for granted, and they don't take very good care of them.


What a home represents

Value. (It is a big investment.) A place of nurturing and re-energizing.

Steve helps people to maximize the value and the nurturing aspects of their homes by showing them how to take better care of their homes.


The service that Home Preservation Services provides

Home Preservation Services does four visits to the home each year, and they provide a checklist of preventative maintenance tasks for the homeowner. Everything is pre-scheduled and they are on call 24/7 for any breakdowns that may happen between visits.


The purpose of the Home Preservation Manual

The Home Preservation Manual is there to deliver the services provided by Home Preservation Services, to improve the value and the nurturing quality of the home.

Home Preservation Services is located in Silicon Valley and it manages 300 estates in that area. If you live outside of Silicon Valley, you can use the Home Preservation Manual philosophy, find your local resources, and achieve the same results. 


What value means in your home

Your home is a stable investment that is not liquid. In financial terms, a liquid investment is more valuable than a non-liquid investment. So to maximize the value of your home, you have to keep it in the condition that it can be marketed quickly. This means that it always has to be kept in good shape. 

The paybacks you'll get from maintaining your home well

Your home will be more valuable. Your home will be more nurturing to you and your family.

Avoid becoming overwhelmed

There are so many parts to keeping your home in good shape that it's easy to become overwhelmed. By setting up efficient systems, and being organized, you can turn your nightmare into the American dream. 

The Home Preservation Manual has some super-effective, easy-to-follow, well-tested checklists to help you organize your home maintenance. And the website has an entire section on recognizing and understanding the responsibilities of homeownership. 

The key points of Steve's strategy for taking care of homes

Keep a brand new home as close to brand new as possible. Know the condition your home needs to be in for its maximum value. Get your home in the shape it needs to be in for its maximum value. Always keep it in that condition. Set goals for your home.


Planning and budgeting for the upkeep and upgrading of your home

It costs way less to keep a home in tip-top condition than it does to repair and restore things.

Preventative maintenance is so valuable that it's even considered an income-producing act, as opposed to a cost. Preventative maintenance can also prevent disastrous things, like water-heaters bursting, from happening.

It's a good idea to set some money aside, in an investment account, for the ongoing costs of maintaining your home. The Home Maintenance Manual website has a formula, based on the square footage of the house, for working out how much money you will need to set aside. 

Using the Home Maintenance Manual website most effectively

Steve recommends first visiting the My Home page on the website. There, you will learn about your home and how everything in it works. It has a checklist of all the things you need to do to familiarize yourself with your home.

Remember, if you own a home, you have the responsibility of taking good care of it. And taking regular care of it is much cheaper than waiting for things to break. 

Be pro-active, not reactive!


HomeNav is a compendium of resources on Marla's website, www.greenhomecoach.com. It goes hand-in-hand with the information that Steve's product offers online. 

Home Preservation Manual is all about why you need to do the things you need to do to maintain your home. It is full of information about how to do things and all other aspects of maintaining a home. They see themselves as Real Estate Asset Managers. https://www.homepreservationmanual.com/



For Marla's book go to - https://greenhomecoach.com/book-living-green-effortlessly/

Go to www.greenhomecoach.com to download the Ten Ways to Make Your Home Healthier and More Efficient and Durable.

Steve's email - [email protected]

Steve's website - https://www.homepreservationmanual.com/

For Marla's book, Living Green Effortlessly, Simple Choices For A Better Home, go to www.livinggreenbook.com 

For Five Myths of Green Homes, check out Marla's What Makes A Green Home Green Audio Program. It will help you find, and sell, the value of green homes, and features, in your clients' homes and projects. Go to www.greenhomecoach.com and click on the link for Five Myths of Green Homes. You can also connect with Marla on Facebook, at Green Home Coach, and let her know the green home myth you hear the most.

The following episodes will help you dive into several of the myths in Five Myths of Green Homes, and help you learn how to work with them:

Dreaming Your Home - How to dream it, plan it, and pay for it. Do You Know Your Total Homeownership Cost? Green As You Go - Paint by numbers.

You can find all of these podcasts on www.greenhomecoach.com. Just click on the podcast link and search for the one you want.


You can learn even more about green homes and features by checking out Marla's What Makes A Green Home Green Audio Program. In easy-to-understand language, this program consists of audio trainings that are easy to consume on the go, and concise resource guides to ensure you absorb the information and reference it easily in your day-to-day activities. Your investment in this knowledge could unlock thousands of dollars more in business for you in your home projects. Learn more by going to www.greenhomecoach.com and clicking on Five Myths of Green Homes.

Marla's program, What Makes A Green Home Green, is an audio program in easy-to-understand language, easy-to-understand language, this program consists of audio trainings that are easy to consume on the go, and concise resource guides to ensure you absorb the information and reference it easily in your day-to-day activities. Your investment in this knowledge could unlock thousands of dollars more in business for you in your home projects. What Makes A Green Home Green will help you find and sell, the value of green homes and features in your clients' homes and projects. To learn more, go to www.greenhomecoach.com\homepro.