Our guest for today is Jessica Jacobs Thompson, and today's podcast is about the product that Jessica and her sister, Jana, produce and sell, called First Saturday Lime. 

About First Saturday Lime

First Saturday Lime is a healthy alternative to pesticides. It is a once-a-month application, just like most other pest controls. It took years of research and testing to develop this product, which is 100% non-toxic and non-flammable, and it contains no health hazards at all. Jessica and Jana suggest that it should be applied on the first Saturday of each month and on that day, they go onto social media platforms and do all kinds of fun promotions. 

How it all started

Jessica and her sisters grew up on a farm. Their mother was a professor and their father had a lime company, for farmers in the state of Oklahoma. After graduating, Jessica spent some time in the medical field. One day, soon after Jana had taken over their father's lime company, she and Jessica spoke about finding the formula for a safe alternative to pest control. With her background in health, Jessica understood the importance of using preventatives, so she soon convinced Jana to go into business with her to start producing this product.  

What First Saturday Lime is

As the owner of a lime company, Jana deals with all different types of lime, and First Saturday Lime is a lime product. Most of the lime products that are usually available on the shelves are either hydrated lime or barn lime. When limestone is taken out of the ground and pulverized, it's known as barn lime and although it is safe to use, it is very weak and it contains a lot of impurities, so it cannot be used for pest control. Hydrated lime, on the other hand, is very strong and so it can be used as a sanitizer or for pest control. If you or your animals touch it, however, it will cause burns as it reacts with water.

Jessica and Jana have the formula to process hydrated lime so that it is no longer reactive to water. It then becomes just as safe to use as barn lime, and it is very effective for pest control. 

Getting known

They tested the waters by initially making a thousand bags of their pest-control product and promoting it on Amazon. Once the bags sold out, they knew they had a viable product, so they decided to go ahead with their business. Now, they are in their second year in business.

Using the lime product in restaurants

The First Saturday Lime treatment is an external one, so it's used on the outside of the home or building. The treatment involves simply pouring a two-inch barrier of the product around the base of the exterior of the facility that's being treated. That creates an effective boundary against pests that lasts for a month. Then the barrier needs to be checked each month, to make sure it hasn't been blown or washed away. 

How First Saturday Lime differs from other products that you see in the stores

First Saturday Lime does not react with water, even though it's a fine powder. So if it gets wet, it will dry and continue to be effective, as long as it does not blow away. It is pulverized because the finer it is crushed, the more effectively it works. 

The best time to start treating with First Saturday Lime

Spring is the perfect time to start treating with First Saturday Lime. Remember that it is always much easier to perform prevention than to have to treat an infestation problem. 

If you have pets, you can put some First Saturday Lime in a yard-spreader, on the lower setting, and you can treat your whole yard once a month. This will protect your outside area from ants, and your pets from fleas and ticks. This will also kill any larvae that may be lurking in the yard.

And if you keep chickens in your yard, First Saturday Lime will keep the mites and lice away, and it will destroy the bacteria and odors that go along with chickens.

Some other uses for First Saturday Lime

First Saturday Lime can also be used as a soil enhancer. It will amend the PH levels in the soil, raising them to a maximum PH level of 7.

It can also be used in water troughs or bird-baths to control algae and mosquito larvae build-up, and it will keep the water clear.

Links and resources:

Jessica's email - [email protected]

Go to www.firstsaturdaylime.com and put in the COUPON CODE greenhomecoach to get your own First Saturday Lime to try. 

There are also tons of tips on the website for using First Saturday Lime!

Purchase - First Saturday Lime (20lb)

Purchase - First Saturday Lime (5lb)