How can traveling inspire a deeper appreciation for humankind and its diversity, more harmony and connection in our world, and awareness of our world's social and environmental issues? What does it take to move people to action through social media and visual storytelling?


"Modern day Tarzan with a camera" Sam Potter, photographer, filmmaker, and content creator known as @CaptainPotter on YouTube and Instagram, shares his wisdom and inspirations with us. 



[6:15] How Sam got started as a nature and travel-inspired content creator.

[12:25] Kaméa: "What motivates you to share your vulnerable, raw emotions with people in such a public space?"

[14:55] Kaméa: "What are some of your biggest learning lessons in building up your community on social media?"

[15:39] Sam: "At some point, I stopped caring what people thought and I started just posting what I actually cared about."

[19:05] Sam: "Travel has opened my mind in so many different ways... It allows you to have this broader view and appreciation for the world we live in."

[24:25] Sam: "Even in the darkest, saddest, most broken situations, there is a lot of beauty."


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