How can we bring more fun into sustainability so we can draw more people into the space? To inspire greater awareness and action, what can in-person events do for sustainability that the digital world can't replicate?


Stephanie Dickson, Founder of The Wedge and Green is the New Black (Asia's first conscious festival) shares her wisdom with us on this episode.



[6:54] The biggest challenge Stephanie faced in creating the first eco-festival in Asia.


[8:02] Stephanie: "I really had to learn to be kinder to myself, enjoy the journey, celebrate the wins, and realize that the small changes make a big difference."


[10:54] Kaméa: "What's something you've learned from the Green Is The New Black event that's shifted your perspective on sustainability?"


[12:05] Stephanie: "There's been a lot of brands working behind the scenes doing all of this great work, but they're so scared to share about this publicly because of backlash and greenwashing. This just reiterated that people are ready to hear about it."


[17:22] Stephanie's thoughts on what in-person events can do for sustainability that the digital world can't.


[19:51] Stephanie: "When I'm designing events, I think about: inspiration, knowledge, and action."


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