What can we learn from the modeling and fashion industries to help us accelerate our progress towards a healthier future? How does the role of privilege tie into conversations around sustainable living, and how can we be more mindful of this so that we're not just improving our own lives independently, but also helping to improve the system to make it easier and more accessible for everyone to live better as well?


Sharing her wisdom here is Renee Elizabeth Peters, a model-activist, the content creator at Model4GreenLiving, a social media expert, and an environmental advocate. You'll hear about the role of modeling in social impact; how to combat burnout as an activist; how we can use our privilege to make a more positive impact; and more. Let's dive in!



[11:03] Renee's greatest personal struggle working within the modeling industry while championing mind, body, and earth positivity.

[14:43] How the media's mainstream narratives impact our mental health and beliefs about what we 'need' to be happy.

[17:43] Taking a holistic, positive approach to sustainability and social impact to prevent burnout.

[19:01] Renee's three pieces of advice for someone feeling overwhelmed and burnt out by all of the global issues we face today.

[22:45] The role of privilege in sustainable living and how influencers can more effectively use their privilege to make a more widespread positive impact.

[28:51] Kaméa: "What can we as individuals do to help conversations around sustainability feel more inclusive so that more people may hop on board?"

[30:14] One easy thing everyone can do to support systemic change.


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