Previous Episode: Ep37-Foundations-Pt2

It’s back to the basics with this one, folks.

Back in 2013, we were asked to do a presentation at NESEA for the “Fundementals” track — something similar to our “Sprout Follies” podcast. We put together a PowerPoint presentation, and did our best to deal with the fact that our cocktails would be coffee. It was well received, so we thought it would be a good idea to share a condensed version of that presentation as a podcast here at GBA.

Most “Top 10” lists have only ten items. Ours has fifteen! We tackle 1 through 7 in this podcast. Be sure to tune in soon for Part 2 (Things 8 through 15).

Without further ado, I give you our fifteen “Top 10” things not to blow on your next project.