We’re in the dog days of summer, which means it’s time once again to issue our mid-year outlook. But this year, it feels like there’s an added sense of urgency. The first half of the year was a remarkable time for markets and the economy — but as we turn the corner toward the second half and beyond, investors are increasingly concerned about the potential for inflation and a Wall Street bubble. To help us sort through all this are Kristina Hooper and Alessio de Longis, who return to the podcast to discuss where we are in the cycle, the direction of the economy and monetary policy, and the implications for asset classes. We’ll explore their base case — economic expansion and temporary inflation — as well as the risks that could arise along the way. [Invesco Distributors, Inc.]

From: Invesco
Hosts: Brian Levitt and Pam Mutumwa
Guests: Kristina Hooper and Alessio de Longis
Recorded July 1, 2021