Kirsty Henderson became the first (and is still the only) woman in Britain to attain a Black Belt in Shidokan Karate (better known as Japanese Mixed Martial Arts). After travelling, studying and competing in Japan she become ranked as the top female Shidokan fighter in the world. On returning to the UK, she became coach to the British Men's Team training them to successful international-championship wins.


Kirsty's list of qualifications are staggering. She is a qualified...


Martial Arts Instructor  Shidokan Blackbelt 2nd Dan (Japan) Mixed Martial Arts Instructor and Coach Krav Maga Instructor Specialist Defence Instructor Knives and Edged Weapons Instructor She is also a qualified Yoga Teacher She has a Reiki Degree and 3 University Degrees.  Kirsty has completed 7 years of training to become a qualified  architect at the prestigious Charles Rennie Mackintosh School of Architecture.



Currently she is the Founder & Owner of the Five Rings Training & Research Institute

As you can imagine she has a wealth of wisdom and I’m honoured to share her insights and inspiration.