On this podcast we meet director and screenwriter Henry Scriven (@henryscriven)

Henry’s short films (To Let, The Babysitter, Divided, The Fox) have amassed over 35 million views online and won awards at film festivals across the world.

His debut feature film, How To Become A Criminal Mastermind starring Joerg Stadler (Saving Private Ryan, Spy Game), picked up numerous awards including the Best Low Budget Film Award at the London Independent Film Festival and the Best Director Award at the Green Bay Film Festival.

He recently completed a short film, The Fox which was funded by a grant from Film Earls Court and is being developed into a feature film.

Currently Henry is preparing to start filming his next feature film, Love, Sex & Killing which is being co-produced by Sara Huxley and April Kelley at Mini Productions and Colin Day at Rickshaw Entertainment. The script was written by Raymond Friel who has written three produced feature films including The Calcium Kid with Orlando Bloom.

In this podcast we talk about how Henry became a director, films that have influenced him, the feature film he is currently working on, and the creative process.

If you enjoy this podcast you can read our Top 10 Bestseller, GREAT TRAITS available on Amazon