Damian’s number 1 bestselling memoir, Maggie & Me, is about coming of age and coming out in Thatcher's Britain. It was the Sunday Times Memoir of the Year, BBC Radio 4’s Book of the Week and won the Paddy Power Political Books Satire Award. 

Damian writes columns for the Big Issue and the Sunday Times and often often appears on Radio 4. The Guardian named him one of the most connected men in publishing. 

Starting at Shoreditch House in 2008 and now based at the Savoy in London, his sold-out Literary Salon premieres new work from emerging and established writers and guests including David Nicholls, Caitlin Moran and Bret Easton Ellis. www.theliterarysalon.co.uk 

In this podcast we reflect on his bestselling memoir, Maggie and Me and Damian shares moving insights on the adversity he suffered growing up in Scotland. He also shares insights on the creative process and we get a sneak preview into Damian’s next book You Will Be Safe Here. 

If you enjoy this podcast you can read our Top 10 Bestseller, GREAT TRAITS available on Amazon