In week 2 of our series on the Lord’s Prayer (Teach Us to Pray), Pastor Jake talked about the second
part of the prayer. Remember – this prayer is not just for memorization and recitation. Jesus was
teaching His disciples (and us) not what to pray but how to pray. So we start by praying from a
revelation of who God is. He’s our Father in Heaven. He’s holy. The second part of the prayer is “Your
kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” Pastor Jake’s main point was that we
pray from God’s will. In other words, God’s will is the foundation we lay our prayers upon. Prayer is not
just asking for things. It’s more than that. It includes listening, worshipping, thankfulness, humbling
ourselves before God, and more. Prayer is about drawing close to God. In doing that, we discover His
will and pray from it with confidence. We pray that His Kingdom would invade our little kingdom; that
anything in competition with His sovereignty and control would be overcome by Him; that our whole
lives (inside and out) would become “the King’s domain”.