On Easter Sunday, Pastor Jake began a new series called “Redacted”. This series will be 6 weeks long. We would never take a sharpie to the Scriptures to mark out what we don’t like, but what about the Bible in our hearts? Often we live like parts of the Bible just aren’t in the Bible. We pick and choose as if it’s up to us what is from God and what isn’t. We redact what makes us uncomfortable or may cost us something. However, 2 Timothy 3 says very clearly that all Scripture is God-breathed. The truth is that a redacted version of God’s Word is no longer God’s Word. It’s an all-or-nothing kind of deal. In this first week of the series, Pastor Jake preached on Jesus being the only way to the Father. John 14:6 is very clear about this and yet many (inside and outside of church) live like it is not true. They ask questions like, “how could God not let sincere, good people into Heaven just because they don’t know Jesus?” and “Did Jesus really mean that literally?”