Pastor Jake kicked off our “Red Letters” series which will have us in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) for six weeks. The idea is that when you look at those chapters in Matthew, you see a sea of red letters in your Bible. It’s the longest grouping of Jesus’ teaching in the Scriptures. We won’t hit every topic/passage in this series, but we will cover a lot. This sermon of Jesus’ is very direct and practical. For a while by this point, Jesus has been proclaiming to the people: “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” (Matthew 4:17). He has a good group of people following Him. So in Matthew 5 He sits on the slope of a mountain and begins to teach them very practically what a life that belongs to Jesus looks like. In other words, He lays out how His family should live, act, and think: “This is what you should be if you bear My name.”