Previous Episode: Present Rhythm - Audio
Next Episode: Family Rhythm - Audio

Pastor Jake continued our “Rhythm” series with week 6 – Marriage Rhythm. God has created us to function in a certain way...a rhythm. That goes for every area of our lives, including our relationships, especially our marriage. God has made marriage to work in a rhythm. When He created Adam, a suitable helpmate was not found for him in all of creation, so God had to make something different – woman. Adam and Eve enjoyed God’s perfect rhythm in the first marriage – no mind games, pride, confusion, etc. – until the Fall in Genesis 3. When sin entered the world, it fractured the Marriage Rhythm, just like it fractured everything else. First, sin’s fracturing of God’s Marriage Rhythm caused something that has plagued every marriage since the first one: passive laziness. Adam silently watched as Eve was tempted and deceived. We (especially men) have struggled with this passive laziness since Genesis 3. Many men just won't lead. They won't engage. Why? They say it's too hard. Oh, put them in a gym, on a sports team, in a factory, or in their job trying to meet some quota or beat some personal best and they don't mind the difficulty at all. But when it comes to the difficulty of a relationship, suddenly they wimp out. Being a man according to God's Word is hard. It requires self-sacrifice – laying your life down for the good of your wife and children daily.