Fighting for faith is not just about talking, but doing. Most of us struggle getting our actions to line up with our words. We commit and say we want to fight for faith, but we don’t do the work. The key to our actions lining up with our words is discipline. Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most. It’s choosing best over good. So the question is what do we need to do now to accomplish what we want most (to persevere and fight for faith)? Jude gives us 3 Godly habits in verses 20-21. They’re not novel or sexy. They’re basic. The main things are the plain things. 1) Build yourself up in the Faith. In other words, spend time (habitual, daily time) in the Word of God. 2) Pray in the Holy Spirit. Spend real time praying. Pray continually. And listen! 3) Wait for Jesus’ return. Make the hope we have in Jesus the center of your life. These things are important, because your destiny is decided by daily habits, not dreams or intentions. Your end is decided by your now.