On Sunday, Pastor Jake started our new series “Rhythm”. Have you ever known someone who has no rhythm? They can’t clap, much less dance or play an instrument? Have you ever sat through a Middle School band concert? Painful, right? That’s because songs were written to work at a certain tempo and rhythm; in a certain key, etc. When that’s not followed, it causes a very unpleasant feeling. And even your heart is supposed to beat at a certain rhythm, isn’t it? And if it doesn’t, that’s called “arrhythmia”. And it causes you pain. God
created the universe to work in a certain way – a rhythm. Not just the big stuff like planets and stars. He created your life, your body, your relationships, and more to work best in a certain rhythm. We see this best in Genesis 1 and 2. But in Genesis 3, Satan is allowed to introduce chaos into the order and rebellion into the rhythm of Creation. Be sure to Listen as Pastor Jake begins to unravel from God's word how we can get back into a Godly Rhythm.