Pastor Jake preached week 2 in our “Follow Me” series. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” Does your life say the same thing? You can’t get around the “follow me” part of that. The truth is that everyone is involved in discipleship whether they realize it or not. It just may have nothing to do with Jesus. You are already a follower. The question is who are you following? You already have people following you. The question is which way are you leading them? Mark Dever wrote, “To be human is to be a disciple. God didn’t present Adam and Eve with a choice between discipleship and independence, but between following him and following Satan. We are all disciples; the only question is, of whom?” Whoever we are following, we are also leading others to follow. So, in the end its about what we want to leave behind. When we exit off of the highway of this life and into the next, what will we leave behind? It will be followers. But followers of whom?