Pastor Jake has introduced three different areas of focus that we will cover over in this series: inward, outward, and together. Last week, we discussed the inward focus, specifically study of and meditation on God’s Word. This week, we will discuss the outward focus. Pastor Jake mentioned 4 disciplines in this category: Solitude, Service, Submission, and Simplicity. Since we live in a culture consumed with our stuff, the Lord led him to teach mainly on the idea of simplicity (a spiritual discipline most of us could use some help with). Globally speaking, we live in an unbelievably rich and affluent place. We have more stuff and complexity in our lives than any other culture before us, in the history of the world. All this stuff was supposed to give us more time and make things simpler, but it hasn’t. It’s only produced lives bloated with things to do, material possessions to protect, trinkets to shine, notifications to check