In the “Dear Church” series, we are studying the 7 letters from Jesus to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3. This week, we looked at the 4th letter – the one to the church in Thyatira. In this letter, Jesus calls the church in Thyatira (and us) to look at their actions (not just beliefs and words) and He warns them (and us) against being deceived by false teachers/prophets. This letter is a harsh rebuke! So let’s talk about false teachers & false prophets real quick. The Bible warns over and over against false teachers and prophets. 1 Peter 2:1 says “there will be false teachers among you.” They are everywhere – right here, right now. Satan is the counterfeiter. Galatians 1 says he has a false gospel. 2 Corinthians 11 says that false gospel is preached by false ministers and produces false Christians. Matthew 13 tells us that Satan plants his counterfeits wherever God plants true believers. The devil is working overtime trying to confuse and deceive God’s people with false teaching. He was doing it in 95AD in some of the first churches to ever exist and he is doing it right now. So be watchful! Not everyone with a pulpit, a publisher, or a program on TV is speaking the Truth of God. Not everyone who sounds good and makes you feel good is from God. Jezebel was a leader in the church at Thyatira. She’s someone who has professed faith in Jesus; who people listen to. False teachers are everywhere…inside the church, so you have to be careful.