Pastor Jake preached the last message in our Summer series on the book of Colossians. This week’s message was on Colossians 4:7-18. Pastor Jake shared that he’s been learning the guitar this year. He said on Sunday, “Here’s something I’ve learned about my guitar. It’s worthless if no one who knows how to play it ever picks it up. It just sits in the corner. It can’t do tricks. It can’t sweep the floor. It can’t answer questions like Alexa. It’s useless. If no one with even a little skill is ever going to play my guitar, it’d be better used as firewood, or maybe home defense. soon as someone with the tiniest bit of skill picks it up, tunes it, and starts playing it... When they start using it to worship God and lead others to worship God, this guitar’s worth shines through. It’s no longer just wood and string. No longer just decoration. No longer worthless. And in the right hands, it’s...incredible. In the right hands, my guitar can bring people to tears, move the hearts of thousands, draw people into God’s presence. In the right hands it has so much value; so much worth. But left alone or in the wrong hands, it really is worthless, isn’t it? And the more it’s left alone and allowed to sit unplayed, the more difficult it’ll be to get it back in tune were it ever picked up again.