Top 3 Quotes

Risk Management is not really a profession. It's a competency that should be part of most degrees, if not all the degrees, at universities.
Most organizations have been disillusioned with the astrology version of risk management.
Sometimes, even a little quantification improves the quality of decision-making significantly.

Show Highlights

[01:17] Alex shares what the Risk Academy provides

[03:02] How Alex got into risk

[05:13] Alex's "controversial" blog

[08:04] Methodologies, strategies, importance

[13:52] What forces Alex to be controversial

[16:16] Brilliant idea of dumbing it down

[17:42] Approaching risk quantification

[20:37] The real question is, how complex can we go?

[23:29] How and when organizations should approach quantification

[26:00] An unrealistic fairytale based on averages

[29:03] Cultural difference in risk management approach

[30:00] Alex's predictions in the coming years

[34:17] Final nuggets of wisdom



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