Health Impacts of Crowd Control Weapons Increasingly Used by Police and Security Forces Around the World.

Discussion with Dr. Rohini J. Haar on the main crowd control weapons used by police and security forces and their health impacts and potential lethality. We also discuss the insufficiency of police training in the use of weapons and insufficient regulation of their manufacture leading to unintended injuries, as well as police abuse of weapons. Additionally, we look at the absence of conflict management training of police forces and their increased militarization, increased restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly throughout the world and whether weapons aimed at crowds can ever de-escalate a situation. Rohini co-authored “Lethal in Disguise”, the first paper assessing the injurious effects of crowd control weapons and presented the report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Dr. Haar is a research fellow at the Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley where she teaches a multidisciplinary course on Health and Human Rights. Dr. Haar is also part of the clinical faculty at the Department of Emergency Medicine at Highland General Hospital and the Kaiser Medical Center in Oakland, California.

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