Hey listeners. This is the first episode recorded after the murder of George Floyd. Additionally one of our films this week, Captain Phillips, portrays state violence against Black men. We going to do our best having a conversation about this, but we also realize  we are not the best equipped to do so. In light of that we ask you to support those who are. Below are a number of links to donate to orgs working to support the Black community and seek justice for victims of police violence, if you're able please donate, if you aren't please spread the word, sign petitions, and keep the momentum of this movement going. Lastly for those who aren't in a place to listen to our discussion of Captain Phillips you can jump to 38:43 to skip to our end segment.

Support Black People masterdoc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mo2E-M9Bw57ndJrRVegxVhwhI11SWFNPQdQEFVyn02Q/edit

Black Lives Matter Resources: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/

Black Visions Collective: https://www.blackvisionsmn.org/about

Reclaim the Block: https://www.reclaimtheblock.org/home/#about

Minnesota Freedom Fund: https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/

Justice for Breonna Taylor: https://www.gofundme.com/f/9v4q2-justice-for-breonna-taylor

The Bail Project: https://bailproject.org/

Free Them All for Public Health: https://freethemall4publichealth.org/