On this Gratitude:UnFiltered, a powerful story of overcoming you do not want to miss!!!!

First up, Jenn Lynn Conde…

“My name is Jennifer Conde. I spent 12 years in foster care and beat the statistics. I attended nine high schools, but did attend summer school and received my high school diploma. I was in to many placements to count from ages 6-18. I originally was placed in the system at age 6 because both my parents were drug addicts and there was a lot of domestic violence.

I was sexually abused as a child and teenager. After both my parents died a few months apart at age 9, I was adopted illegally and kept from my biological family who wanted rights. I also didn’t get to attend my fathers funeral, which I feel is a huge step in the grieving process. Shortly after being adopted I was sent away for “behavior problems” while my adoptive parents cashed my biological father’s Social security check.

I continued to bounce around in and out of JDC, group homes and Foster homes until I was 15 and the court over turned my adoptive parents rights. While in foster care I was arrested for attempt of Grand Theft Auto, burglary, possession of stolen property, assault, assault on an officer and resisting arrest. I aged out of the system and struggled with addiction. I couch surfed and sometimes slept in my car off and on for 3 years after aging out.

I also couldn’t hold down a job to save my life. I ended up going back to jail 5 times as an adult. 3 times for public intoxication, I spent two months in Shawnee County Jail. The other two times were for unpaid tickets, one time serving two weeks in Kerr County Jail. I didn’t get clean and turn my life around until I met my husband 8 years ago. We celebrated 7 years of marriage have two children of our own. None of my past trauma really hit me until I quit using and snapped out of survival mode. I’ve spent these last 8 years healing and finding my voice.

I’m happy to say I’ve been on the right track and I can proudly say I broke the cycle. I found creating and writing as great outlets for me to process my emotions. I started a non- profit charity called “Suitcases For Kids” because I wanted to create change in the system. I got the community involved to help me provide personalized suitcases for children who are entering foster care. Most children who enter the system only have the clothes on their backs and when they travel to other placements they put their belongings in a trash bag.

I don’t think any child deserves to live out of a trash bag. So far with the help of the community I have been able to provide 19 personalized suitcases. The suitcases have the children’s name on the front and are filled with age appropriate items to help ease their transition into care.”

I am your host Joshua T Berglan and welcome to Gratitude:UnFiltered…

Gratitude:UnFiltered would like to thank our sponsors Joys’s Organics, makers of the worlds most bioavailable organic CBD products, Vitamin Patch Club, the worlds most effective vitamins you wear, NEW U Life, makers of the topical HGH and KETO drink and Brandy J Swimwear!