On today's Joshua T Berglan's Morning Gratitude brought to you by the Omni Group Global and Sabab Water... "The World's Mayor" aka Joshua T. Berglan interviews 2 amazing women, Noelle Malvin and Amy Turner!!!! Amy Turner MA, LMFT will be your biggest cheerleader but watch out because she will not buy into any BS limiting […]

On today’s Joshua T Berglan’s Morning Gratitude brought to you by the Omni Group Global and Sabab Water… “The World’s Mayor” aka Joshua T. Berglan interviews 2 amazing women, Noelle Malvin and Amy Turner!!!! Amy Turner MA, LMFT will be your biggest cheerleader but watch out because she will not buy into any BS limiting beliefs from you. She is on a mission to make sure everyone knows they deserve to be seen and heard for who they truly are and in doing so, help people stop their “not good enough” beliefs and instead create new empowering beliefs. For the last 8 years she’s been providing healing to her clients under her Marriage and Family Therapist title but felt limited with how she could really help people. She discovered a technique called Rapid Transformational Therapy, which was exactly what she was looking for. She now can provide healing to her clients in as little as one month as opposed to the traditional “see me every two weeks” therapy. As soon as she discovered how quickly her clients can finally stop their sabotaging behaviors she started her business No BS Therapy and quit her 9-5 soon after. Amy is absolutely in her purpose helping her clients quit their sabotage and create the life their idols are having with No BS. Noelle Malvin M.A, PPS, NLP has been a Health and Wellness Counselor for the past 16 years and has 12 years of formal education and training in Psychology, Quantum Physics, Energy Healing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Yoga. As a Transformational Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is living her Dream by fulfilling her Purpose of giving back and guiding people to become the Highest Version of themselves, achieve Self Mastery, and discovering their soul’s purpose.