A Very special afternoon edition of Joshua T Berglan's Morning Gratitude w/ my childhood friend Joshua Dowling Cassell.... For everyone who is passionate about suicide prevention then this show is a must watch..... Joshua by the Grace of God survived a suicide attempt last month and in this interview, we will be discussing.... • A […]

A Very special afternoon edition of Joshua T Berglan’s Morning Gratitude w/ my childhood friend Joshua Dowling Cassell…. For everyone who is passionate about suicide prevention then this show is a must watch….. Joshua by the Grace of God survived a suicide attempt last month and in this interview, we will be discussing…. • A little bit of background information about growing up Deaf and how that impacted him in both good and bad ways • His continuing struggle with mental health issues while being a high-functioning adult in today’s world (BA, MA and PhD program, and being a special education teacher on sabbatical) • His “event” which is the attempted suicide a month ago, and how that happened, and how I have taken steps to ensure that does not happen (the cause is due to a bad HIV medication that caused abnormal thinking in his brain – bad judgement and such—and that switching to a new generation HIV medication has shown a drastic improvement as well) …. Joshua and I have a lot in common and are definite mirrors for each other in a lot of ways. I have no idea how this interview will go other than knowing it will be powerful and disruptive