The Healing Drum By Yaya Diallo and Mitchell a  worldwide best selling book, which is noteworthy for its emphasis on the moral significance of music. In this time of unprecedented rapid change,The Healing Drum wisely suggests what music and musicians can do to help create a moral and spiritual world." " Yaya Diallo was raised in a culture that works,worships,lives, and breathes to the beat of the drum. An instrument for transmitting traditional knowledge among the Minianka, the drum is the focal point of Yaya's life story and his link-through the universl medium of music-with the Western world."-"Exploring the Minianka view of the human being and the cosmos relative to daily work,celebration, herbal medicine, dance,trance initiation and death, in the tradition of the Minianka, music is a remedy for both physical and psychological imbalances, harmonizing the forces of the visible and invisible worlds. Along with excerpts from the book we will discuss the message of The Healing Drum and how it can affect change in the African Diaspora.Yaya Diallo was born in 1946 in the village of Fienso, Mali, to a nomadic Fula father and a Minianka mother. Thanks to his mother, being from the illustrious Berthe family (hunters,chiefs,musicians.), young Yaya had the opportunity to hear some of the best musicians of the former canton Zangasso. Healer and sorcerer Nangape Kone became his protector and mentor. We also look forward to discussing the current Convid-19 pandemic with Yaya, who graduated from the University of Montreal in Chemistry in 1973. Following a brief career as a chemist, Yaya returned to traditional African music. He was a co-founder of the music and dance groups Djembe-Kan and Cleba and a member of the African Troubadours with the World Music Institute as well as a faculty member with the Creative Music Studio, Woodstock, NY, and the Omega Institute.